Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I need a title for this

Trouble in the Desert

So...I'm researching more and learning as I work through these digital works and I'm discovering this is closely related to Rainbow Brite and Pee Wee's Play House as well. These are shows that are supposed to be cute and fun for kids, but if you really analyze them...there is something very creepy and at odds with them. I think that is a beautiful thing!

Monday, September 19, 2011

More work coming!

Well, I'm enjoying this direction so far. I haven't quite figured out the wording for the narrative, but essentially it is an odd twist on the Care Bears cartoon. No that is not a typo! I said Care Bears! All my work, including these costumes, calls attention to my interest in the history and importance of collective joy and our abilities to play as adults. So, when developing their world it only seemed natural to me that they come from a gray desolate land who long ago forgot the importance of collective joy. It becomes their job to reinvigorate their world and bring color back to the land. This sounds very cheesy, and the imagery is simplistic and cartoony, yet still has a very odd, possibly perverse, "something's just not quite right," feeling.

Friday, September 16, 2011


The costumes and characters I've been creating are multi-layered conceptually and can be taken in multiple directions. I'm starting to experiment with creating a narrative and placing them within their own imagined environment or world. This is the first attempt at that...still not sure exactly where I'll go from here.